We often do many things to ensure that the person we love never distances themselves from us. However, this can create significant obstacles and resentment between the two. Instead of this, if you want the person you love to stay with you and behave lovingly, you must do the following things.
Whether it is a love marriage or an arranged marriage, it is said that both the husband and wife should compromise and act with understanding toward each other. However, beyond that, it is very important to respect each other. In particular, it is essential to understand and act in a way that prevents feelings of hatred or dissatisfaction from arising between one person and the other. Let’s see what can be done for that.

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Give Respect:
Whether as a husband or wife, it is essential to behave and treat each other with respect. Instead of complaining that your wife does not show you enough respect or that your husband does not value you, learn to give the same respect that you expect from your partner. By doing so, naturally, your partner will show respect towards you.
Reduce Excessive Concern:
Some people tend to show excessive care for their life partner, thinking that they need to be concerned about them all the time. However, this could interfere with the partner’s freedom and choices at some point. Over time, the care you show could create irritation or resentment in them. Therefore, it is better for both partners to discuss and define together in which matters concern should be shown and in which areas they should be allowed the freedom to act on their own.

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Appreciate from the heart:
Don’t hesitate to give due respect when your partner acknowledges the things you do. Similarly, appreciate the small things wholeheartedly.
Many men make this mistake. They fail to acknowledge many things their wife does, under the pretext of being busy. Avoid this and appreciate her immediately. This love and happiness will always keep both of you connected.
Don’t let go of habits and routines:
In most homes, the common problem is that after marriage, both the man and the woman drop many of their personal habits, but people generally like those who don’t change their nature for any reason. So, how could these changes not be appreciated by your partner?
There is no necessity to give up any personal habits you had before marriage. Instead of saying you are making sacrifices for your partner, it’s better to make them understand that things which bring you happiness should still be a part of your life.

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Staying in touch with friends:
This is another mistake many make, especially women, who tend to give up their friendships soon after marriage. They say that they can no longer continue their friendships after marriage because of the household situation, but that’s not the case.
Just as friendships are important in a man’s life, women should also value their friendships. When both partners give importance to friendship, there will naturally be more respect and love between them.
By spending time with friends, meeting them frequently, and doing things together, your partner will naturally feel more respect for you. They will never want to part from someone like you.
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